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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Wow! It's been a while. Let's see, what has happened since my last post. 
Monkey graduated pre-school and finished kindergarten and first grade. She is now in the second grade and doing extremely well. She played soccer for a couple of seasons and tried her hand at volleyball this fall. She really liked it, but watching 7-9 year olds trying to get the ball over the net for an hour, yeah not fun :).
Ms Emmy has grown a lot and is now in pre-school. She loves swimming and roller skating, but she is definitely the middle child :(. She is going to try soccer this spring. This august she will be in kindergarten. She loves her sisters most of the time, but boy can they fight.
That brings me to the "newest" addition, Ms Marin. She is 2 years old at this point, which is older than Ms. Em at my last post, and she lets you know what she wants. She doesn't take anything from her sisters and knows how to speak her mind, and many words to go with it, including calling the vacuum "fuk it".
We have been together for 14 years and will be married for 6 years in February. We have made 2 trips to Florida and one to Magic Kingdom this past spring. The girls loved and and even got to meet a few princesses. I have been taking lots of pictures, but not as many as I would like, and haven't shared any on here. I hopefully will be better about that, but we shall see ;)
Here are a few of my favorites from this year. I hope you enjoy.

Well this is thru the end of May so I'll have to add another for the other half of the year :)

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