All photographs are mine. If you are interested in a print or using a photograph, please contact me via e-mail.
Thank you

Monday, December 14, 2015

Just Some Fun

I got a new lighting kit and decided to try it out on the girls. Heather and Marin were my accomplices and I think they turned out really well. Can't wait to get ms Emmy in there and get some good ones of her.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Ms Marin

Well she isn't starting school this year, but I still thought we needed to do pictures too. She is such a little ham, and has such a personality. She definitely has a mind of her own, and lets you know what she wants.

I love you Ms Marin

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


My Emmy is starting Kindergarten this year. It brings hopes and worries on my part. I know that she is the 2nd child and that is always hard, but I also know that she is a strong, independent little girl that will take nothing from no one. I just hope she listens better in school than she does at home ;) As with Monkey, the thing that I would want her to know is to be herself, no matter what anyone thinks. Also to listen and be good to everyone.

 Mommy loves you Ms Emmy

Monday, August 17, 2015

3rd Grader

My Monkey is starting the third grade this week and can't believe it. She has grown into such a wonderful, smart and beautiful little girl. She can be so stubborn sometimes, but I love her more and more every day.
The start of the year is both wonderful and scary, but I know that she will do great. She is ready to see her friends again, but doesn't want to leave momma. 
The one thing that I would want her to know is that, no matter what happens, be who you are, not what others want you to be. Study hard and do YOUR best! 

Mommy Loves you Monkey!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Family Summer 2015

The Family was here this week, and I usually have my camera out all the time, but we were having too much fun so I didn't take nearly enough pictures :). Here is what I did manage to take. Enjoy!